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Letters from the Characters

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The Senzamarchio

He killed his parents in a vain attempt to hide his innate magic. He bears the marks of his guilt on his arms, scarred by burn scars that run from his hands to his elbows.
She refused the Mark, and for this the ivory people condemned her to exile.
Unable to take sides, Eledriel is able to see the world from many points of view and is the fundamental glue of the entire group.

Eledriel, elf


The Rejected

The most powerful inbred ever to come into the world. He not only rejected the Mark, he killed all the Spellcasters who tried to impose it on him. He unleashed the Betrayer's Plague, a conflict the Empire still bears the scars of. He never lies, but he has a thousand masks, each telling a different truth.

Malark Morn, The First


Silver Hand

General of the Ivory Vanguard. He dedicated his life to the Empire, triumphing in the Traitor's Plague.
The nature to which he is akin allows him to pronounce the Holy Word, an expression of his devotion to the world around him. Wise, strong, able to probe the depths of the soul like no other, Iorn is a great leader.

Iorn, Emperor of the Elven Empire



The Prince of Thieves would have a ready quip even in front of the gates of hell. Raised in the slums of Illenor Keep, he hides a childhood made of pain and survival. He was not yet twenty when he claimed the reins of every criminal activity on earth.

Kain, the Prince of Thieves


The Star of Hope

A warrior of the Faith devoted to Illenor, she represents Justice in its highest form. A loyal friend and a kind soul, she can be determined and steadfast in defending the values she believes in.

Maryan, champion of the Faith


The Little Green Thing

Hunter of the Wild Brotherhood and daughter of the forest. Always in search of herself, she will be able to pursue her destiny with courage and a touch of recklessness.

Tylin, Ivory Forest Huntress


The Rector of the Ivory Tower

One of the most knowledgeable Spellcasters on the Continent. Sharp, intelligent, capable of chasing knowledge wherever it appears. His analytical skills are legendary, his humor much less so.

Thiel, elf wizard


The Emperor's Daughter

Beautiful, determined, intelligent. Her instincts can be destructive, but also the best of her resources, if used wisely.


Crissa Ivory Forest Huntress


Vampiric Progeny

Forced into a life of abuse and slavery by his mistress, he discovers freedom when she is killed.

His lineage is considered abject and worthless, but fate will offer him the revenge he deserves.

Jarek, Vampiric Progeny


The White Lady

In her flows the blood of the most powerful innates on the Continent. Power, however, is not enough in itself. Will, fortitude, and self-knowledge are the only way to draw upon it.

This will be the challenge that she will be called upon to face.

Morgana, Daughter of the First


The Light of the East

The greatest bard on the continent, androgynous and charming. Scion of a high-ranking human family, he spent his formative years at the court of the Rock of Illenor. Gifted with great empathy, he is able to use this gift to provoke great attraction or the opposite effect.

Alexander, human bard


The Founder of the Primitive Point

Woman of Science and doctor. She is the founder of the Primitive Point of Manaud, the only technology center on the Continent. Sharp mind and tongue, she always asks a lot of herself. She never refuses help to those in difficulty.

Ileana, Steampunk Scientist


The Warrior of the North

Unstoppable. Able to decimate platoons with his gigantic sword. No matter where or against whom: in the hottest point of the battle, he is there, surrounded by corpses, blood and viscera.

Ulrock, human warrior


The Captain of the Blind Policewoman

Old sea dog, knows more than the devil. Unrepentant smuggler, he is a precious and unpredictable asset.

Captain Gartk


by Narendel

Ruler of the most important city of the Dwarven Throne. Determined, intelligent, she handles the axe with the same grace with which she sits at the diplomatic tables.

Brinne Foscasteel


Heretic Specialist

Determined to the point of cruelty, rigid in their respect for hierarchies, unshakable. For heretics, every action is aimed at excellence and cowardice is the worst of insults. Altair is no exception.

Altair Elf Heretic


The Silent One

It is very rare to meet heretics outside their lands. Esther is one of those rarities.

Esther, heretic elf


The Last One

Elusive and mysterious. A dark soul immersed in the shadow of the worst nightmares, when he appears he knows how to make himself remembered.

Amroth, The Last
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